Monday 31 December 2007

Dawn of the New year

Here we are at the foothills of the New Year,
New horizons seen through the mist of the night,
New plans, new ways, new mistakes and new pledges,
Here we are at the edge of the cliff, for the old year has just passed us by...

For a while I have been wanting to start my own blog
To write whats in my mind and what my thoughts are,
but its only on the eve of the New Year that I found the time atlast!
Probably thoughts are always put into plans at beginging of New year!

Thats why so many people make resolutions and pledges only to be forgotten later,
But my plan is not a pledge, its a promise to myself
So here I am starting the New Year with poem of my own

The year might be old but let us bid our last adieu,
As we start another year anew,
From strength to determination to succeed,
Last year we gathered everthing we need,
Through friends, Success, and wealth amassed,
The old year has gone by very fast!
But once again as you go, Dear Auld year,
give us all the strength to learn and persevere,
As we bid you goodbye atlast,
I thank God for everything to us you passed,
We welcome the New year but wont forget you,
As you brought to us some miracles and blessings too!
I will cherish the moments you brought to me,
and remember you with warmth and glee,
Goodbye Old Year we bid you adieu,
To Welcome the year so Bright and New!
If it didn't bring you joy just leave it behind,
Let's ring in the new year with good things in mind,
Let's forget past mistakes, making amends this year,
Sending you these greetings to bring you hope and cheer!
So heres Wishing you all a Very Happy New Year!

~~ By Purnima Kulkarni